Hello everyone.  As you can see we are still fumbling our way through getting our site up and running fully and smoothly.  We've mentioned items for sale, even have a place on one page that tells people where we can be seen, talked a huge game... and kind of stalled.

As with any huge endeavor it will take time to get as big, wonderful and glorious as we really want to be.  OK.  Maybe not the most humble choice of words.  How about this...  We want to grow.  We want to bring new members into our group, and we want to grow together.  We want to be able to utilize every talent we can find among our group members.  Most of all, we really want to be successful in as many areas as possible.

So, in the meantime, while you're waiting to see if we have something to offer or if our efforts will fall flat, feel free to email us or leave comments.  Constructive criticism and new ideas are always welcomed.  More so, feel free to apply to be a member of our group.   We can't and won't guarantee that every applicant will be accepted.  We are a very open and eclectic group, but every group MUST have it members that support the vision and values of its members.  So, if you think you would fit in with us, please, by all means apply.  Otherwise, please feel free to partake in any non-restricted events, activities, or site areas.

Bright Blessings